Underline Decoration Css
Sets the kind of text decoration to use like underline overline line through text decoration color.
Underline decoration css. A text decoration. A hover a link when the user mouses over it. A active a link the moment it is clicked.
Just as you can add and style an underline using the css text decoration property you can remove one as well. Text decoration thickness sets the thickness of the line used for the decoration. This value draws the underline beneath the inline text.
The text decoration style property sets the style of the text decoration like solid wavy dotted dashed double. They say good things come to those who wait and this turns out to be very true when it comes to text decoration on the web the css text decoration module level 3 defines a few great new ways to decorate text on the web and browsers are finally starting to have good support for them. The property text decoration line is used to underline the text.
Line text decoration. You apply a single property and that s all there is to it. The biggest problem with text decoration is its lack of customizability.
Blink text decoration. All text decoration. It uses the color and font size of whatever text its applied to and there s no cross browser way to change the style.
Sets this property to its default value. The times of using border bottom instead of a proper text underline in order to get a different underline. Text decoration color sets the color of the decoration.